A Robin Hobb Rereading Series: Entry 220: Ship of Destiny, Epilogue

Read the previous entry in the series here.
Read the next entry in the series here.

The brief epilogue, “Metamorphosis,” focuses on the serpent, Shreever, finding rest after the struggles to return to the ancient cocooning grounds. Relatively few of the serpents survived, a small population from which to rebuild a species, but hope persists as the return of dragons is promised.

Sleeping Dragon
Something like this?
Image via the Smithsonian, used for commentary.

I appreciate that the novel ends on a note of hope–not untrammeled hope, as there are losses acknowledged, but hope, nonetheless. Although the new normal that promises to emerge in the Realm of the Elderlings is a different one, entirely, it seems it may be a good and useful thing, one more attentive to many. And I can hope that the readers’ world will follow suit, somehow, sometime.

The series will continue with a return to the Six Duchies in Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Errand.

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