On the New Year 2024

Here it is, the first of the year. As I write this, a cup of coffee steaming on the desk in front of me, I feel a sense of hope for the coming twelve months. There’re things going on that don’t necessarily impact this webspace, and I’m largely looking forward to them. Most notable is that, starting tomorrow, I’ll be heading up an office in Johnson City, Texas, where I have lived for a while. The office builds on the skills, abilities, and training I’ve already got, and I have the hope that, in the coming months, it’ll become a thriving part of the local economy.

Stop on by!
Image from Google Maps, used for commentary

I’ll admit to some concern about the endeavor. It’s been a while since I was management, after all, and there’s some rust to knock off. Too, any new business endeavor carries with it some risk, and while I do still have some insulation, it’s not as abundant as might be preferred. Further, there’s a bit of a wind-up period to be expected, and while the work I’ll be doing is just coming into season now, it’ll take a bit for the business to get out into the town and well known.

So much said, I’ll continue to offer the services I currently do. I’m still happy to take commissions for written-to-order pieces that do not use the rampant theft involved in AI-generated work, creating unique texts to meet your needs. Poetry, essays, memoirs, works of fiction, ad copy, press releases, business and technical documentation–I’m happy to work with you on any or all of them to help you craft the best possible work. Reader-review and copy-editing are also available, as always, as is support for writing instruction.

Ready to get started on a new project in the new year? Get in touch through the form below, and I’ll help you get going!

I’m also happy to accept your patronage directly!

Help with NaNoWriMo

The time of the year has come around again when many people focus their attentions on generating the text of a new novel. It’s a worthy endeavor, of course; writing is a good thing to do, novels are good things to write, and I and others benefit from them existing in the world. The challenge of composing nearly two thousand words daily is a hefty one, and not everybody who sets out to address it meets it. Even so, even making the attempt earnestly and sincerely is a good thing to do. You’re on the right track as soon as you take the first step onto it.

This is still the sign, and the image is still from the NaNoWriMo site, used for reference.

Even the best writers, though, benefit from having another set of eyes on their work. Ultimately, nobody writes all alone. I’ve done a lot of writing across many years and in many contexts, so I’ve got experience with this: you always miss something. Maybe it’s because you’re in a hurry, buoyed along by the joy of having done the writing. Maybe it’s because you’re distracted, living in the world with all of the demands it makes upon a person. Maybe it’s because you know how it’s supposed to go, how glorious it looks in your head, and you see that instead of what’s on the page. Maybe it’s just an issue of skillset; you’ve got great ideas and you’ve got them on paper, but the fine-tuning and polishing is just not your forte. Whatever the reason for it is, the truth is that you’re not going to catch everything that’s on the page, even though you put it there. You won’t necessarily see that you forgot to make the connection between those two characters clear, or you might miss the notion that this other characters’ background seems really interesting and readers will want to know more!

That’s where I come in.

With nearly twenty years of experience reviewing others’ writing, ranging from middle schoolers to established scholars and in fields ranging from aerospace engineering to business, cybersecurity to education, fiction to literary analysis, poetry to psychology, I have the skills and expertise to help you hone your craft and be the best writer you can be. If you want to know if your story makes sense, if your characters are believable, if your quips are clever, or even only if you got your commas in the right places, I am here to help you. Whether you’d like chapter-by-chapter guidance and feedback or a whole-work review of what works well and what needs some support, I can offer in-depth, detailed reading and response so that you can put out the best possible product.

You’re already doing great just by taking on a project like this. Make the most of it; get set up for your consultation today! Fill out the contact form below to get started!

It’s not just for NaNoWriMo, either! I’m happy to work with writers on a variety of projects, as well as to write the kind of thing you need written; send me your details below, and we’ll begin!

Or you can send your support along directly!

For Your Writing Needs

I‘ve noted before that I’ve got a lot more time open to work on writing, and I’m pleased to note that there have been some who’ve taken advantage of that openness. For example, I recently carried out a commission for a seven-part poem to be used as lyrics for a forthcoming oratorio, and I have continued to write teaching guides for emerging best-sellers and classics-to-be.

So much said, I know there is more work to do. I know that people need to have things written, things like

  • Poetry, whether as pieces to present, the contents of greeting cards, song lyrics, expressions of love, or other things yet;
  • Study guides, helping students understand better the things they encounter;
  • Executive summaries, distilling texts down to their basic elements for faster, fuller understanding by busy people;
  • Ad copy, so that what needs selling gets sold;
  • Instruction sets, so that what needs doing gets done right; and
  • Other writing done to order.

I know, too, that people need new eyes on their work, helping them to see what they’d otherwise miss. That way, what they write shows them off at their best, getting them the deal or the promotion or the publication they want!

As ever, I remain happy to work with you to produce the writing you need done–all by human hands, no plagiarism software (with all the problems it entails) involved! I’d love to hear from you; please fill out the form below to get started!

I am also happy to accept your direct patronage!

A Bit of an Update

A week ago today, and at about this time, I was laid off as part of “cost-cutting measures.” It wasn’t the first time it’s happened to me, to be sure; I was laid off from a college coffee shop job and from a teaching position for much the same reason (although the latter recalled me thanks to the union of which I was a member at the time). I was a bit upset at the event, which I do not think is unreasonable; I had thought I was doing well in the job, and I was looking forward to making a few improvements to things which I must now defer for an uncertain amount of time as I look for new work. Too, where I live, much is made about the work a person does and the job a person has; being suddenly out of work and without a job is a substantial social setback, and one for which I admit I was not prepared.

Yeah, it wasn’t a good afternoon.
Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com

But (and there is, of course, a but; there are, in fact, several).

I had been doing occasional freelance work throughout my time with a “regular” job, enjoying having the extra income. I’ve been able to keep doing that in the past week, and I’ve been focusing on that more narrowly, so I have some money coming in that way. Too, I’m fortunate to have a deep support network, family and friends, so as I’ve started looking for “regular” work again, I’ve had recruiters’ eyes looking over my materials, and I’ve had offers of support from a number of people come in. I appreciate it all.

Grateful though I am–and I am grateful; things could be much worse than they are, as I am well aware, and I am not unmindful that they are not–I do need some more help, and I’m happy to work to earn it. As ever, I’m happy to offer my services in the following:

  • Literary research
  • General informational/documentary research
  • Proofreading
  • Style editing
  • Grant writing
  • Copywriting
  • Creative writing (especially poetry)
  • Literature and writing tutoring

Additionally, I do have some experience in bookkeeping, and I do excellently at data-entry, so if you have some work that needs doing, let me know below. I’m happy to talk about rates and duration, and I’ll be happier to get you your money’s worth!

I would also be happy to have your financial support!

A Rumination on a Birthday Not Mine

I had had the thought that, in discussing what I mean to discuss today, I would borrow from the Gettysburg Address and make some declamation beginning with “Eight square and no more years ago,” because it has been so long and because the word-play suggested itself to me for a moment. I know many would get the joke; I know, too, that I do not have the skills and insight to carry that joke through the way it really ought to be done, and I suspect that the joke would not go over so well as I would like. A great many of my jokes go that way, after all, as most know who speak to me for more than a few moments. Consequently, I shall content myself with but a short comment, knowing that the day needs but little from me said about it.

The birthday girl herself…
Family photo

Happy birthday, Mom!

Custom writing makes a fine gift; fill out the form below to find out how you can get some for your own!

Or send me a present I can use to send one to my momma!

Another Birthday Rumination

A couple of years back, I waxed loquacious and hopeful about my birthday. Today, as I hit forty years of age–yes, cue the black balloons–I have to note that the hopes…did not pan out quite as expected. And I still don’t know what ingredient in the salad I am, although I expect it’s a vinaigrette dressing, being somewhat astringent.

I need…a few more candles.
Photo by lil artsy on Pexels.com

As I sit now, though, I have a decent job again. I still have my family and my home. The past year wasn’t necessarily a good one for me, but it’s done, and I am where I can move ahead with some confidence. Hopefully, I know enough now not to get too cocky about it…


Let’s see if I can’t make it through another one!

Send me a present?

A Brief Update

Those who regularly read my blog–and thank you, by the way–will likely have noted a shift in pattern in the past couple of weeks. I haven’t been posting my usual updates to the Robin Hobb Reread, and I have been waxing verbose on other topics. This follows a broader tendency in my writing–namely that I have been fairly snowed under, despite the still-summer heat of the central Texas where I live.

Out of season, but still purty.
Photo by nagaraju gajula on Pexels.com

I’m alright, as far as all that goes, but I’ve been busy handling some other things, is all. I’m not intending to give up on the projects I’ve been discussing. Just need to get a few other things taken care of first, is all. So I’ll get back on all that soon.

Until then, thanks for following along! I really do appreciate it!

I also always appreciate your support.

Need Help Writing? Get Help Now!

Schools have started up again, and that means assignments are starting again, too. Even down into elementary school, students are being asked to write–and writing is hard. It takes work. It takes attention to detail. And it takes time to do well.

This is the kind of thing I can help you overcome…
Photo by Jessica Lewis Creative on Pexels.com

Classroom teachers do their best, of course, but with twenty to forty students in a room, there is only so much time they can give to any one student–and when there’s one or two acting out, it’s clear where the teachers’ attention will go. The quiet student who sits and tries to get things done gets left out–not because of anything they did or anything their teachers have done, but because there’s only so much time in the class, and there’re so many other things that teachers have to do.

That’s where I come in.

I’ve been writing for years, and I’ve taught writing in the classroom and in individual settings for almost as long. My students have ranged from middle- and high-schoolers through graduate students; my clients have ranged from high-schoolers through PhD candidates and established scholars. Each has seen a marked improvement in performance after working with me–and you and yours can have the same success!

I’d be thrilled to put my time and talents to work for you. Let me know what you need help writing, and we’ll talk about what we can do together!

Still Another Rumination on Memorial Day

I have commented about this day’s observances once or twice before, I think. I am not moving this year, nor am I preparing to move, as was the case last year. I am moved, perhaps, but for a different reason and a far worse one.

Image from the district’s “School Spirit & History” page, used for commentary.

It remains right and proper that those who have died in honorable, upright service be remembered and honored. That what they died to defend suffers such as has happened–again, and again, and again, in Uvalde as in too many other places across too many years–is far, far less so. And it is hard for the reverence due the victorious dead to be given against the grief due those slain unjustly.

Let us make our world one worth the sacrifices made, one where such grief need not be felt again.

For this Memorial Day, please donate to the folks in Uvalde, Texas, who have their own memorials to erect. Send checks payable to the Robb School Memorial Fund to FSB of Uvalde, 200 E Nopal, Uvalde, TX 78801, or donate via Zelle at robbschoolmemorialfund@gmail.com.