About a Local Linguistics Study

Because collegiality matters, I pass on the following information from Sara Loss, Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Oklahoma State University. She is requesting participants for a linguistics study; details are below:

What: First – tell me if you could or couldn’t say some sentences
Then – give judgments on a computer about what different sentences mean. (A device on the computer will track where your eyes are looking!)

How long: About half an hour.

When: We’ll arrange a time. Send me a few times that work for you.

Where: Morrill 112, The Linguistics Lab

Sorry, no compensation.

Please email me at saraloss@okstate.edu for more information or to set up a time.

The accompanying flier appears here: Personal Datives Flier.

I am trying to participate in the study; I encourage you to do the same. Help us make new knowledge!

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